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Benefits & Deficiency Symptoms

Chromium deficiency is a major factor in the development of heart disease (heart attacks and hardening of the arteries). Chromium is stored principally in the kidneys, spleen and testes with trace amounts found in the heart, lungs, pancreas and brain. The body cannot easily absorb chromium when consumed in compounded form (such as chromium picolinate).

Chromium Benefits:

Chromium helps the body regulate metabolism and regulates insulin and blood sugar levels. Chromium helps the body lose weight by stimulating enzymes that metabolize glucose for energy. It plays an important role in the liver synthesis of fatty acids (burns fat). When the body is deficient in chromium, twice the amount of time is needed for insulin to remove glucose from the blood. Chromium enhances insulin performance and glucose utilization and helps carry proteins. Chromium works best if taken before meals. Chromium dietary supplement

Possible Reasons for Chromium Deficiency

Refined sugar causes the body to deplete chromium more rapidly. Strenuous exercise can also deplete chromium levels. The refining of starches and carbohydrates robs foods of chromium. The elderly are unable to store as much chromium in the body as are younger people. American soil is chromium deficient compared to European soil.

Some Symptoms of Chromium Deficiency:

Anxiety, Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.), aortic cholesterol plaque, arteriosclerosis, bi-polar disease, coronary blood vessel disease, depression, diabetes, high-blood cholesterol, hyperinsulinism, hypoglycemia, hyperactivity, impaired growth, infertility (decreased sperm count), obesity, pre-diabetes, and peripheral neuropathy.


Chromium benefits and/or deficiency symptoms are generic for the mineral. No product claims are being made or implied.

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